• Local Business Owners:
    Want More Sales & Customers?

    ANNOUNCING: New YouTube Strategies to Get You Evergreen Advertising
    and Backlinks That Help Your Website Rank in Google

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    YouTube Is Hugely
    Underutilized by

    Small Business

    I create videos, using your content or mine. I distribute them on my channels.
    Your phone rings.
    Your site ranks.

    It's that easy.
    Contact me today!

    * View example video on YouTube to read the video description, which is the "secret sauce" to making videos that rank well!

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    People Love to Watch Video on YouTube

    It's the #2 website and the #2 search engine

    90% of people have found a product or service there. Even though many business owners don't optimize their videos very well, or update their channels very often.

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    Google OWNS YouTube

    Optimized YouTube videos help your site rank in Google.

    A presence on YouTube is terrific for both traffic to your website and for local SEO (search engine rank improvements.) Your videos may even show up on Google!

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    Yet Only 9% of Small Businesses Use It!

    Business owners know they should be using YouTube, but don't know how, think they can't afford to produce videos, or are frustrated with advertising results.

    Does that describe you?

  • With the Power of YouTube Behind You,
    You're More Likely to Attract Customers

    It's like having permanent video billboards that send people to your main site/page.
    I produce them; you don't need to be on camera or need a YouTube channel either.
    Even if you think your customers won't search for you on YouTube, these optimized video campaigns can help you rank locally in Google.

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    #1 - Optimized Video Creation

    Solid videos designed to inform and rank

    I create keyword-related video content for your business; I can also transform your blog posts into videos. Titles and descriptions are optimized to make you easy to find and to rank in search.

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    #2 - Video Distribution

    More videos, more places, make you easier to find

    I distribute videos on my private network of YouTube topic channels, to increase their likelihood of being found and increase link diversity. You don't need your own channel; we'll use mine!

  • Video Traffic Boost Benefits

    All work is DONE FOR YOU - you don't need to create videos at all, or need a YouTube channel.

    Permanent Video Advertising

    These videos function as BILLBOARDS, driving more engagement, traffic and leads to your business.

    Non-Skippable PreRoll Ads

    I can add PreRoll ads to YouTube videos to increase response. These PreRoll Ads CANNOT be SKIPPED. And no, people cannot run their own ads in front of them.

    Click-Able, Track-Able Links

    Videos include CLICK-ABLE, TRACK-ABLE links to your site, social media assets etc. in the video description.

    This is excellent for Google SEO and rank improvements.

    Private Content Network

    Videos & links are distributed on my large private CONTENT (TOPIC) CHANNEL NETWORK. They can also be distributed to RSS feeds and my Google News sites.

  • Results for Local & National Clients

    Toy Company (eCommerce) - 459 email signups and counting

    Insurance Agency - multiple videos on page 1 of Google
    IT Company - moved from NO Google presence to #3 in Google, plus Local pack
    Law Firm - significant search engine rank improvements

    Whether it's a one-time "boost" or an ongoing video marketing campaign, most small businesses will benefit from more YouTube traffic and the SEO benefits of YouTube backlinks.

    Be "first to market" in your town with this new effective YouTube tactic, and improve your bottom line!

  • Order Video Campaign

    For national or ecommerce campaigns, please contact me for a price quote.

    LOCAL Video Campaign  - 150 + Pre-Roll

    LOCAL Video Campaign - 150 + Pre-Roll

    50 FREE VIDEOS pricing ends 12/31; you do not have to start your campaign before that.

    After you order, I'll email you to get details.
    Coming soon
  • Ordering Information

    Most campaigns run at the rate of 100 videos/month; I can deliver 150 videos in 1 month or two.

    You may choose whether to add un-skippable Pre-Roll ads to a campaign, for an additional fee - highly recommended because it increases clicks.

    50 FREE VIDEOS offer ends 12/31; you do not have to start your campaign before that. (In other words, you can pay now and start in January.)


    You MAY order up to 3 campaigns at this special rate!

    Orders are processed through PayPal - you do not need a PayPal account to check out, you can use a credit card.

    I noticed that, for the phone number, they prefer this format: 1234567890

    I will contact you after you order to get your information for the campaign.

  • About

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    I'm Diana Ratliff, Your Friend on the Web

    I've helped many companies, large and small, market their businesses online, for more than 21 years.
    Visit My Main Website

    I'll be in charge of creating and distributing your videos. My team and I will help you figure out the best strategies for YouTube marketing and how this fits into your overall online marketing plan.

    It's NOT about fancy, expensive videos!
    It's about getting views, traffic, leads and sales from YouTube - mastering YouTube as a SEARCH ENGINE.

  • Contact Me